PLANNING SYSTEMS provides environmental analysis including coordination and preparation of CEQA documents, NEPA environmental assessments, biological mapping and assessments, wetland delineations, federal, state, and local regulatory permitting, and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. We prepare a wide range of compliance documents including Categorical Exclusions, Expanded Environmental Assessments, Findings of No Significant Effect, Mitigated Negative Declarations, and Environmental Impact Statements.
Agency coordination encompasses four main areas of activity; identifying potential impacts of projects, agreeing on feasible and appropriate mitigation measures, processing and obtaining regulatory agency permits for development; and demonstrating compliance with existing permit requirements. PLANNING SYSTEMS has specific experience in all four areas. We are experienced in negotiations with the USFWS in accordance with the Endangered Species Act for both Section 7 consultations and Section 10(a) Incidental Take Permits. We have prepared a number of Habitat Mitigation Plans that have been accepted by the USFWS and CDFG.
PLANNING SYSTEMS provides wetland delineation services along with permitting assistance for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act permits through the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). We have produced Pre-Construction Notifications (PCNs) for authorization of various Nationwide Permits (NWPs), Regional General Permits (RGPs) and Individual Permits (IPs). Permitted impacts to Section 404 jurisdictional areas often require mitigation. PLANNING SYSTEMS develops wetland and upland mitigation strategies and plans and assist in the implementation and monitoring of these mitigation plans.